3am musings

Its 3am and I can’t sleep. Excited? Yes. Nervous? Yes.

Overtired, Overworked, and Over it!

Steve and I have spent the last two weeks working with engines full throttle. We have managed to get a three bedroom home pared down to a 32 foot sailboat and a 10×10 storage unit (truthfully a 5×7 would have been sufficient). In the short span of just 36 hours we will move onto the boat.  Once we get settled in, we will be able to finalize the work that needs to be done there without disruptions. Im looking forward to having all my energy focused in one place for a while. We have spread ourselves too thin for last several months.

All this work has been difficult, but I fear the hardest parts are yet to come. Saying goodbye to the people. Even though Steve and I plan on visiting every three to four months, we will still be too far away to have lunch, a quick walk, lend a hand, or just spend time with loved ones. Its such a trade off this cruising life style. However, with so much technology available, the nautical miles will hopefully seem like a short distance. We shall see.

For the time being we will get settled into our new home. We will take her out for a few days this weekend and spend some time at a lovely anchorage.There we will Regroup, re-prioritize, and recuperate from this exhausting process.

Sometimes I just can’t believe we are actually doing this!

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5 Responses to 3am musings

  1. Tommy says:

    Change is hard and some changes are harder than others but all change is inevitable. Keep your chin up. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it’s getting brighter 🙂

  2. Steve Fox says:

    This is Steve, your former slip neighbor in Channel Islands. Really glad to see that everything is coming together for you. Many people dream about what you are doing, far fewer actually make it happen. Good on you!! (And be extra careful around Cedros).

    • Hello Steve! Things are moving along nicely and coming together, although not always in the way we plan. We hope to stop by and visit you on our way down the coast. You won’t recognize the boat. Its hard to believe its only been 18 months since we purchased her. So much has happened! We will let you know when we expect to be in the Channel Islands Harbor. Cheers!

      • Steve Fox says:

        Be great to see you again and see how you’ve transformed Pablo. We may be down at Catalina around that time, but please let me know your schedule and we’ll figure out how to hook up.

      • Wonderful! Catalina would be a nice place to catch up with you as well. We will keep in touch.

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